Sunday 17 April 2011

Looooooooooook!!! You're not looking! you're looking at my typing!!!
now you're looking unless of course you're still looking at my typing 
of course it is possible that you are looking the fire hydrant in the eye
(the fire hydrant), but it's red not green not yellow or pink either
and do you know what that means????? cause i really have no idea
what it means.
Oh yeah and for you guys who like fire hydrants there's one in the picture 
in the centre it's hard to spot, you'll need the eye of a goose and the 
hearing of a pigeon to see it (ask Taavi why you need hearing),
Fascinating fact: george the fire hydrant is the first fire hydrant
of the flaming tree bear department of putting out potentially
hazardous annoying thing's that destroy the forest. he also lives in the red-ishly 
not actually red wood forest.

Posted by Loki.


  1. Excellent Fire Hydrant Loki - it's so....... red! Not red-ishly red either - it's definitely red red. Red is best after all. In my humble opinion. Tho that's not my favorite shade ;)

  2. Loki says "omg it's not red-ishly, it's Red-ishly red besides it has yellow stripes doesn't that count for something??? PLUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSS there are ferns around so it's a naturally grown fire hydrant so it means it's not alien made!!!!!!!"
    And those are Loki's irrational thoughts on fire hydrants!
