Saturday 23 April 2011

West coast wanderings!

Another Big Tree.Big enough for a car to pass through it , but considering our
trailer we had to be satisfied with just walking through it .This took place almost
a week ago(I've actually lost  count on the days, it is likely to  happen while traveling ,
 at least that's my experience),as I've had some issues around transferring photos ,
 so at the moment I'm just catching up to reach the present day .

San Francisco did have some sun , but also rain as you can see...  
The Golden Gate Bridge it is though ,and we drove across it numerous times
 from our campground.

A view over the city from Telegraph Hill .We spent just a day in San Francisco.
It was  a beautiful city ,absolutely stunning architecture but  we were eager to see more .
Reading through our guide books , and looking at the maps ,it is easy to feel like being in
constant motion to have time see all of the Southwest in just a month.
An impossible feat indeed. 

Looking relaxed , no?
 Our driving took us to Santa Cruz, and yes Liz , it is wonderful here!

We didn't see much more than the boardwalk around the beach , and the
Amusement Park where the boys enjoyed themselves for hours , while us
parents earned our first sunburn for the year!

It is Spring Break down here ,and the park was packed with happy  people .

A beach with  an Amusement Park , that's what every town should have !

In Monterey , just south of Santa Cruz , they have the most wonderful aquarium.
Just look how content and fulfilled the children get....
They also had a great city campground in the hillside , so no Walmart camping
 for us there.

Jelly fishes !


And with that we left the glorious coast , which had finally started to spoil
us with some sunshine and headed inland ,but more on that very soon .


  1. I am so homesick seeing these pictures!

  2. YEA!!!!! Oh, you look so lovely in Santa Cruz, even better if we where there with you!! We had our first sunny two days and it has been great! Missing you guys! Happy EAster!!

  3. Soleil says,"Loki looks ridiculous in the clam shell!"

  4. Sorry about that ,Wendy , but we are SO enjoying seeing these areas !!!
    And we miss all of you too !
    Happy Easter , we are celebrating it in 'Sin City'.......the only Easter reminder here is the most beautiful display of Easter eggs and the likes at Bellagio.

    What do you mean Soleil , isn't he like the most shining pearl????

  5. Soleil says." what do you mean shining pearl, he doesn't even look happy!"

  6. I think he looks like an ocean buddha

  7. I thought that was his idea too.,Although he's now saying something about 'skillful pwnageness', and I can't say I understand what that means...

  8. it means that i pwn loads of noobs everyday
